About Us
Countries/ Regions |
Divided into 5 main regions - Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania
- the library stocks relevant information regarding countries from each
of these regions - their economic, cultural background, geographical,
historical and trade/business practices.
Products |
Profiles on a number of products are available such as furniture, food,
beverages, apparel, textiles, plastics, footwear, jewellery, spices and
Statistics |
External trade statistics of countries and products are available in the
various format such as printed materials, CD-ROMs and online databases
(Malaysia External Trade Statistics and MTR-EIS).
Directories |
Business Information Centre has
a wide collection of directories that include
importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers,
distributors, trade association, yellow pages,
telephone directories and others from selected
Tariffs |
section provides vital information on tariff imposed by the individual
countries or trade groupings.
Periodicals |
comprising of trade and economic magazines, business intelligence
reports and product catalogues sourced from around the world.
Design |
A wide
range of books and magazines covering various topics on design are
available for reference. Our design collection includes titles on
industrial design, interior design, furniture, jewellery, graphics,
ceramics, shoes, packaging, bags, designers and others.
Business Information Centre continuously
updates its CD-ROM collection of business
directories, country profiles, products, statistics,
tariff and other trade or business related
information. |

Seminar papers |
seminar papers collection contain papers presented in the workshops,
seminars and conferences organized by MATRADE.
Collection |
photo collections include photos of MATRADE events and activities such
as trade mission, trade fairs, seminar, media conference and others.

Services |
section on Malaysia services industry includes directories, news
letters, annual reports, catalogues, brochures, CD-ROMs and others.
Foreign languages |
foreign languages collection includes French, Spanish, Japanese,
Vietnamese and others. This collection is available in the various
formats such as books, CDs, dictionaries and cassettes.

MATRADE Collection |
MATRADE collection includes all the MATRADE publications such as trade
directories, exporters' guidebook, brochure, a monthly bulletin, annual
reports and others. |